Sunday 17 October 2010

Women Only

The other day I was riding to work in the women's-only car, and a man got in. He was running in at the last second, relieved to make it onto the train before the doors closed. It took him about half a second to realise: 'oh...' and his shoulders sagged.

He turned to face the door. There was a notice on the door explaining that this was a women's-only car during peak hours. The man made a point of reading this sign, following the words with his finger. The car was such a packed mass of women that he had no chance to make his way through to the next car without attracting more attention.

I felt bad for the poor guy. Next stop and he was out and across the platform like a hare.

A lot of trains have certain cars designated 'women's-only' during peak hours. They say this is to deal with unwanted pervy attention from gropers. I don't know that intentional groping is really the big issue; I think it's more just a matter of making both sexes feel more comfortable. Men don't have to deal with the awkward 'aaagh, where do I put my hands' and accusing looks, women don't have to travel to work pressed against the body of some random businessman. These trains do get very crowded.


  1. I'd be in favour of an "adults only" carriage. Screaming children aren't usually much of a problem in the commuter trains, but they can ruin a long-distance journey.

    Actually, come to think of it, I think an "adults only" town might be a good idea...

  2. Heheh... Well, they have some hotel resorts that are only for people older than 15. Maybe some other places will catch on. ^_^
