Sunday 30 September 2012


As I no longer live in Japan, I don't update this blog much any more, except when I happen to be in Japan on holiday. I'm here in Kawasaki at the moment, holed up in my hotel room during a typhoon, so I may get one or two posts out.

Back when I lived in Japan, I kind of wanted to experience a typhoon, just so I could say I had. Not a big one, mind you; I wasn't wishing disaster on the local populace, but 'typhoon' sounded so much more dramatic than 'rain storm', and we don't have typhoons in Adelaide. I never actually saw one though; whenever typhoons were predicted, they always just missed Kanto, or else they hit on the rare occasions I was away on holiday. Generally, September is a 'good' time for typhoons.

Now that I am in the middle of a typhoon, I can tell you what they're like from the inside: like a whole lot of wind and rain. Trains get delayed, stores close and the streets empty. It's pretty exciting stuff, I can tell you. So exciting, I'm planning to spend the whole evening in my room drinking chu-hi and eating 'Mini One' chocolate croissants.

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