Sunday 5 December 2010


I remember coming home from work once, and there was unfamiliar music playing in my neighbourhood, with a kind of wailing chant. It sounded rather like the Muslim call to prayer, and very solemn. My first thought was that there might have been a funeral or perhaps monks were chanting some ancient rite.

Then I realised what they were saying - 'yakiimo-o-o! yakiimo-o-o!'

It was a sweet potato truck.

These trucks cruise around the neighbourhood playing their jingle to attract customers, much like icecream trucks do in the West. The yakiimo man actually has a kind of fire burner on his truck to roast/grill the sweet potatoes.

The odd thing is that in Japan, the trucks that play bright, happy music are garbage trucks; the trucks that sound like a funeral dirge are selling delicious snacks.

I remembered this because right now as I sit in my room, the exact same tune is playing outside. The yakiimo man was in the neighbourhood last week and this; perhaps he has begun because it is winter, and sweet potatoes are popular winter foods.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds interesting.... I can't say that I had heard this in Sapporo. However, I know what you mean about all the different noises that are blaring out there from all manner of things. Most of the time it's for things like paper recycling or some such - I always wondered if it was entirely necessary. Still it adds to the symphony that is modern Japanese life-orchestra.
