Thursday 25 March 2010

Let's poo energetically

I must point you toward this post today on Japan Probe.

I can't decide what my favourite part of this clip is:
-the happy poo song?
-the narrator saying 'it's an event to teach children to eat genki and poo genki'*
-the announcers at the end, instead of heaping the segment with ridicule, solemnly agree that it's a useful thing for kids

*Genki can be translated 'healthily', but it so often means 'cheerful' or 'energetic' that I prefer to think of it this way. Let's poo cheerfully and energetically!

I am a little disappointed that the poo song dance didn't have more appropriate actions (or should that be 'less appropriate?'), but oh well.

However, this doesn't really surprise me. I've heard of people who are asked by their doctor - even if they're going in for a cold - how their bowel movements are. And I've heard of children in elementary school who are actually asked 'have you done a poo?' or to monitor their own BMs before a class trip.

Even in the short life of this blog, this is the second poo-related post. (Here's the first.)

I don't know if any other culture has the same preoccupation with BMs?

For more toilet fun, see this YouTube video of how to use the bathroom.

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