Wednesday 17 November 2010


One thing you'll quickly notice in Japan is that when people are surprised, they make a sound like 'hehhhh?!' The younger or more outgoing the person, the louder, longer and more dramatic this sound is.

It's very fun to say. I've picked up the habit myself.

The thing that amuses me, especially with young girls, is that their 'Heeeee' usually sounds so very excessively surprised, far more than the news warrants.

This week I got some prime 'heeeee' reactions from students for such startling revelations as:
-I don't really like omu-rice
-I don't like fish eggs
-I don't like shopping

You can see they are pretty easily shocked. Hahaha.

1 comment:

  1. Haha... mm, the rice part is okay. Eating too much egg makes me feel a bit sick. I don't hate omu rice, but I'm not a big fan.
