Saturday 27 November 2010


Yes!! I finally found Vegemite in Nagoya. (If you care, in the import food store near Maruei in Sakae.) My breakfasts have just been improved 150%. ^_^

It's perfect timing 'cos I was planning a one-off lesson on 'Australia' next week. Boy, are my students in for a treat. And so am I.

I always get a kick out of seeing students' horrified reactions to our national treasure. ^_^


  1. In recent years. the makers of the British equivalent Marmite have been running an ad campaign called "you either love it or hate it". It's amusing when the makers of a product acknowledge the fact that some people can't stand it!

    Right, it's lunchtime, so I'm off to make a cheese and Marmite sandwich :-)

  2. Just be careful... there's undoubtedly laws to prevent the unusual and inhumane treatment of minors in Japan. My wife always looks at me as if to say - "are you sure that's actually food" every time I grab the vegemite jar.

    I assume it's something genetic.
