Saturday 6 November 2010

This blog

For anyone who's found this blog recently, just a word of introduction: I'm an Australian and I've lived in Japan for over two years; mostly in Yokohama, but I'm currently in Nagoya. I've also spent a lot of time in Kawasaki and Tokyo.

Right now, most of my posts are about Japan in general, but I aim to post a bit more about Nagoya and other towns in the region, as I explore them.

If you have any questions or requests for posts, feel free to comment any time. Cheers. ^_^


  1. Welcome back... to be honest with your mid-year hiatus, I had lost track of the blog... so good to see a fellow Aussie back on line (I'm sure there's just a couple of us out there in the whole wide interweb), and looking forward to hearing all about Nagoya!

  2. Cheers. ^_^ I was out of Japan for almost a year, hence the blogging hiatus. I'm from Adelaide myself, so it's nice to see some familiar scenes in your blog. You've got some amazing photos there!

  3. Thanks... it's a small small world. Looking forward to catching up on some of your posts as well.
