Sunday 2 August 2009

Peace and tranquility in Sakuragicho

As is my habit, I went down to the harbour today. Unfortunately, nobody had told me it was 'Celebrate Antisocial Behaviour Day'. I've never been shouted at so much in one day.

There were high school students collecting money (which apparently required them to shout through a megaphone), some group of massage therapists (also, bizarrely, using megaphones), a gauntlet of environmental activists, two religious types reading loudly from books, and of course, the usual political party trucks spewing platitudes from loudspeakers.

I sat on Kishamichi bridge and watched fish jumping in the water, and there was an environmentalist shouting "konnichiwa! konnichiwa! konnichiwa! konnichiwa!" on loop a few metres away. I went toward World Porters and there were Yokohama Port Opening Expo staff shouting at us where we could buy tickets.

I went to Bubby's (and they are still fuckin fresh and delicious). Previously it's always been too windy to sit outside, but today the weather was perfect. The first time I've been able to sit in the fresh air. So I happily settled down with my cappuccino and pie.

Then a van pulled up across the square and four high school students stood on its roof. Out came the megaphone. My heart sank. They bellowed speeches for a full 35 minutes. I sat there with my fingers in my ears, glaring at them, wishing the police would rush in and haul them off. 

I knew that wouldn't happen, as 'disturbing the peace' doesn't seem to be an offense here. So I amended my fantasy and longed for someone to throw something large and heavy at them, and maybe knock them off the truck. 

Well, okay, maybe that was a bit harsh. I didn't want them to come to real physical harm (and really, whichever adults encouraged them to be so obnoxious in a public place should be the ones punished). I wished for a huge rainstorm to come up - perhaps one small but powerful raincloud directly over their heads - and wash them out.

Unfortunately none of my amiable wishes came true. I suppose I should have capitulated and done the logical thing, and gone back inside. But there are so few cafes or restaurants around here where one can sit outside! Why should they force me back into the sterile air-conditioning?! So I stubbornly sat there and muttered insults to myself.

Now I'm home again, sitting in my own room, and my neighbour is doing some kind of home DIY involving loud drilling.

Perhaps tomorrow will be better.

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